Destruction Derby 2 Comparison

11. Two Matrox Destruction Derby 2 versions?

I had mentioned at the biginning of my post, that i'm thinking that they're two Matrox DD2 versions are available. But i'm not sure. Because i remember something as a kid. I'm first start playing DD2 with 4 years, this was the Matrox version. I played this version up to if i was 7 years old, then i got the PS1 version and i was impressed. But i remember on the Matrox version, that at the car selection screen the "Rookie" car was looking normal and the "Amateur" and the "Pro" Car was looking brown or black. Ingame they were normal. With this i'm 100% sure and my dad confirms me this issue. I have remade this with GIMP, that you understand this better.


I also remember that the pitstop was not working. I drove in and nothing happens, that car drives out like you was a second time in the box. Because you can only repair your car one time. And i think the game wanted a CD to start. And you can't loose the front tires. But with these three things im not sure. (It's long time ago) The PC and the disc that my dad had, are got lost after my parents separated.

I rebought the Matrox version (Booth Disc's) on ebay, but i can't reproduce these bugs. I tried the oldest driver, that working with the DD2 Matrox version (v3.14) and i tried the oldest Mystique Bios that i can find (V1.2). Does anybody have 1.1 or 1.0? If anyone can help how to get these bugs, please let me know. Or if anyone know, if there are two DD2 Matrox versions like an Version 1.00 (because my current disc's says version 1.01), or that anyone can confirms these bugs too. That would be nice and helpful.

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